Some general suggestions which might be useful for you
Some general tips:
How to import a GPX file into MAPS.ME
This is an issue I had some time ago. I needed a mapping application on my android phone for trekking and came across Obviously, I wanted to import waypoints, a route or track into MAPS.ME but all solutions I found on the internet did not work for me. And this is how I solved it.
Convert the GPX file to KML. can only import KML (or KMZ) file. For converting there are websites, I used
Transfer the KML file to the phone, f.i. by emailing it to yourself and download it on your phone.
Use your file manager and go to downloads.
Move the KML file to the MAPS.ME directory, in my case that is "MapsWithMe" (located in the root of the internal storage). Make sure the extension is still .kmz. In my case sometimes a .txt is added along the way. If so just removing that will do it.
Open MAPS.ME and go to Bookmarks
Now a pop-up appears: found a new file and asks to convert it. And yes that is what you want to do.
Enjoy your tour!
Han van Schaijk
Er zijn veel technische MKB bedrijven met export potentie die nog niet goed benut wordt. Het is mijn passie om die bedrijven te ondersteunen met groeigericht exportadvies. Ze laten profiteren van mijn 25 jaar export ervaring. Mijn doelgerichte aanpak zorgt voor snel resultaat.